How It's Made: Chocolate Bar by Sarah Ridley
After reading The Chocolate Touch, we had a unit study on chocolate. One of the best books I found on the process of making chocolate was A Chocolate Bar, copyrighted 2005 and 2006. I don't usually blog on the resource books I use during home schooling, but I was so impressed by this book that I needed to let people know about it. This book had just the right amount of information--enough that we both learned many new things, but my son was not overwhelmed by all the facts or bored by too much information. The reader starts in Ghana at a cocoa tree and follows the cocoa from harvest, then across the ocean to the factory and finally to the wrapped chocolate bar. The photographs and glossary are wonderful. I also appreciated the information on fair trade chocolate!! I don't know if this book is available now or if only libraries can get it, but I highly recommend this book if you're interested at all in how chocolate is made. There are other titles in the How It's Made series covering Cotton T-Shirt, Rubber Tire, and Wooden Chair. The books are published by Gareth Stevens Publishing with a website at .
Sounds like a good winter afternoon read. Perhaps with some hot chocolate or M&Ms to snack on?